160 research outputs found

    Sleep and plasticity

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    While there is ample agreement that the cognitive role of sleep is explained by sleep-dependent synaptic changes, consensus is yet to be established as to the nature of these changes. Some researchers believe that sleep promotes global synaptic downscaling, leading to a non- Hebbian reset of synaptic weights that is putatively necessary for the acquisition of new memories during ensuing waking. Other investigators propose that sleep also triggers experience-dependent, Hebbian synaptic upscaling able to consolidate recently acquired memories. Here, I review the molecular and physiological evidence supporting these views, with an emphasis on the calcium signaling pathway. I argue that the available data are consistent with sleep promoting experience-dependent synaptic embossing, understood as the simultaneous non-Hebbian downscaling and Hebbian upscaling of separate but complementary sets of synapses, heterogeneously activated at the time of memory encoding and therefore differentially affected by slee

    Symbols are not uniquely human

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    Modern semiotics is a branch of logics that formally defines symbol-based communication. In recent years, the semiotic classification of signs has been invoked to support the notion that symbols are uniquely human. Here we show that alarm-calls such as those used by African vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), logically satisfy the semiotic definition of symbol. We also show that the acquisition of vocal symbols in vervet monkeys can be successfully simulated by a computer program based on minimal semiotic and neurobiological constraints. The simulations indicate that learning depends on the tutor-predator ratio, and that apprentice-generated auditory mistakes in vocal symbol interpretation have little effect on the learning rates of apprentices (up to 80% of mistakes are tolerated). In contrast, just 10% of apprentice-generated visual mistakes in predator identification will prevent any vocal symbol to be correctly associated with a predator call in a stable manner. Tutor unreliability was also deleterious to vocal symbol learning: a mere 5% of “lying” tutors were able to completely disrupt symbol learning, invariably leading to the acquisition of incorrect associations by apprentices. Our investigation corroborates the existence of vocal symbols in a non-human species, and indicates that symbolic competence emerges spontaneously from classical associative learning mechanisms when the conditioned stimuli are self-generated, arbitrary and socially efficacious. We propose that more exclusive properties of human language, such as syntax, may derive from the evolution of higher-order domains for neural association, more removed from both the sensory input and the motor output, able to support the gradual complexification of grammatical categories into syntax

    Can vocal conditioning trigger a semiotic ratchet in marmosets?

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    The complexity of human communication has often been taken as evidence that our language reflects a true evolutionary leap, bearing little resemblance to any other animal communication system. The putative uniqueness of the human language poses serious evolutionary and ethological challenges to a rational explanation of human communication. Here we review ethological, anatomical, molecular and computational results across several species to set boundaries for these challenges. Results from animal behavior, cognitive psychology, neurobiology, and semiotics indicate that human language shares multiple features with other primate communication systems, such as specialized brain circuits for sensorimotor processing, the capability for indexical (pointing) and symbolic (referential) signaling, the importance of shared intentionality for associative learning, affective conditioning and parental scaffolding of vocal production. The most substantial differences lie in the higher human capacity for symbolic compositionality, fast vertical transmission of new symbols across generations, and irreversible accumulation of novel adaptive behaviors (cultural ratchet). We hypothesize that increasingly-complex vocal conditioning of an appropriate animal model may be sufficient to trigger a semiotic ratchet, evidenced by progressive sign complexification, as spontaneous contact calls become indexes, then symbols and finally arguments (strings of symbols). To test this hypothesis, we outline a series of conditioning experiments in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). The experiments are designed to probe the limits of vocal communication in a prosocial, highly vocal primate 35 million years far from the human lineage, so as to shed light on the mechanisms of semiotic complexification and cultural transmission, and serve as a naturalistic behavioral setting for the investigation of language disorders

    Thought disorder measured as random speech structure classifies negative symptoms and schizophrenia diagnosis 6 months in advance

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    In chronic psychotic patients, word graph analysis shows potential as complementary psychiatric assessment. This analysis relies mostly on connectedness, a structural feature of speech that is anti-correlated with negative symptoms. Here we aimed to verify whether speech disorganization during the first clinical contact, as measured by graph connectedness, can correctly classify negative symptoms and the schizophrenia diagnosis 6 months in advance. Positive and negative syndrome scale scores and memory reports were collected from 21 patients undergoing first clinical contact for recent-onset psychosis, followed for 6 months to establish diagnosis, and compared to 21 well-matched healthy subjects. Each report was represented as a word-trajectory graph. Connectedness was measured by number of edges, number of nodes in the largest connected component and number of nodes in the largest strongly connected component. Similarities to random graphs were estimated. All connectedness attributes were combined into a single Disorganization Index weighted by the correlation with the positive and negative syndrome scale negative subscale, and used for classifications. Random-like connectedness was more prevalent among schizophrenia patients (64 × 5% in Control group, p = 0.0002). Connectedness from two kinds of memory reports (dream and negative image) explained 88% of negative symptoms variance (p < 0.0001). The Disorganization Index classified low vs. high severity of negative symptoms with 100% accuracy (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 1), and schizophrenia diagnosis with 91.67% accuracy (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.85). The index was validated in an independent cohort of chronic psychotic patients and controls (N = 60) (85% accuracy). Thus, speech disorganization during the first clinical contact correlates tightly with negative symptoms, and is quite discriminative of the schizophrenia diagnosis

    Graph theory applied to speech: insights on cognitive deficit diagnosis and dream research

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    In the past ten years, graph theory has been widely employed in the study of natural and technological phenomena. The representation of the relationships among the units of a network allow for a quantitative analysis of its overall structure, beyond what can be understood by considering only a few units. Here we discuss the application of graph theory to psychiatric diagnosis of psychoses and dementias. The aim is to quantify the flow of thoughts of psychiatric patients, as expressed by verbal reports of dream or waking events. This flow of thoughts is hard to measure but is at the roots of psychiatry as well as psychoanalysis. To this end, speech graphs were initially designed with nodes representing lexemes and edges representing the temporal sequence between consecutive words, leading to directed multigraphs. In a subsequent study, individual words were considered as nodes and their temporal sequence as edges; this simplification allowed for the automatization of the process, effected by the free software Speech Graphs. Using this approach, one can calculate local and global attributes that characterize the network structure, such as the total number of nodes and edges, the number of nodes present in the largest connected and the largest strongly connected components, measures of recurrence such as loops of 1, 2, and 3 nodes, parallel and repeated edges, and global measures such as the average degree, density, diameter, average shortest path, and clustering coefficient. Using these network attributes we were able to automatically sort schizophrenia and bipolar patients undergoing psychosis, and also to separate these psychotic patients from subjects without psychosis, with more than 90% sensitivity and specificity. In addition to the use of the method for strictly clinical purposes, we found that differences in the content of the verbal reports correspond to structural differences at the graph level. When reporting a dream, healthy subjects without psychosis and psychotic subjects with bipolar disorder produced more complex graphs than when reporting waking activities of the previous day; this difference was not observed in psychotic subjects with schizophrenia, which produced equally poor reports irrespective of the content. As a consequence, graphs of dream reports were more efficient for the differential diagnosis of psychosis than graphs of daily reports. Based on these results we can conclude that graphs from dream reports are more informative about mental states, echoing the psychoanalytic notion that dreams are a privileged window into thought.2019-07-3

    Mobilização rápida de citocromo-oxidase por estimulação sensorial em córtex visual de gatos e primatas

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    The cytochrome oxidase fast mobilization was studied in twelve cats (Felis catus) and three monkeys (Cebus apella). Visual stimulus of low spatial frequency, with variations in colour and brightness and no spatial orientation allowed the observation of cytochrome oxidase-rich patches in flattened sections of cat's visual cortex. The patches appeared in Vl, V2 and V3 supragranular layers, as well as in other extra-striated areas. Morphologically, those patches are equivalent to the blobs recently described in cat by improved histochemical methods. The morphometric analysis reveals that blobs medium size tend to increase from Vl to V2 and from V2 to V3. The densitometric analysis of monocularly stimulated monkey' s striate cortex sections shows a cytochrome-oxidase activation peak after thirty minutes of stimulation, followed by a decrease in optical density at greater times. This indicates that the phenomena is composed of two distinct phases. The monocular stimulation by stroboscopic light shows ocular dominance columns in monkey's Vl after thirty minutes. The cytochrome oxidase fast mobilization phenomena may be the product of the immediate activation of one or more genes of the enzyme' s subunits, of allosteric interactions with ATP, or of local redistribution of mitochondria.CAPESFINEPA mobilização rápida de citocromo-oxidase por estimulação visual foi estudada em doze gatos (Felis catus) e três macacos (Cebus apella). A estimulação visual de baixa frequência espacial, desprovida de orientação espacial e com grandes variações de brilho ou cor permitiu a visualização de grumos ricos em citocromo-oxidase em preparações planas do córtex visual de gatos. Estes grumos apareceram nas camadas supragranulares de Vl, V2, V3 e outras áreas extra-estriadas do gato, e são morfologicamente equivalentes aos blobs recentemente descritos em gatos através de métodos histoquímicos não-convencionais. A análise morfométrica revela um aumento do tamanho médio de blobs de Vl para V2 e de V2 para V3. A análise densitométrica de secções do córtex estriado de macacos estimulados monocularmente por diferentes tempos revelou um pico de ativação de citocromo-oxidase em trinta minutos de estimulação, seguido de queda da densidade óptica em tempos maiores. Estes resultados indicam que o fenômeno seja fásico. A estimulação monocular por luz estroboscópica permite evidenciar colunas de dominância ocular em Vl de macaco após trinta minutos. O fenômeno de mobilização rápida de citocromo-oxidase pode provir da ativação imediata de um ou mais genes que codificam suas subunidades, de interações alostéricas com ATP ou da redistribuição local de mitocôndrias

    Comparative study of LSA vs Word2vec embeddings in small corpora: a case study in dreams database

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    This summary presents the results obtained in our work, Comparative study of LSA vs Word2vec embeddings in small corpora: a case study in dreams database.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Sono e plasticidade neural

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    Sleep is a phylogenetically old behavior which comprises several sequential phases with distinct neurophysiological features. While science recognizes the crucial role of sleep in the consolidation and restructuring of memories, the underlying mechanisms are still the subject of divergent theories and intense research activity. This article reviews the main findings of the mnemonic role of sleep, and discusses the possible molecular and electrophysiological mechanisms that could explain such a role both in vertebrates and invertebrates.O sono é um comportamento filogeneticamente antigo que compreende várias fases sequenciais com distintas características neurofisiológicas. Embora a ciência reconheça há várias décadas o papel crucial do sono na consolidação e reestruturação de memórias, os mecanismos subjacentes ainda são objeto de teorias divergentes e intensa atividade de pesquisa. O presente artigo revê as principais evidências do papel mnemônico do sono, discutindo os possíveis mecanismos moleculares e eletrofisiológicos capazes de explicar tal papel tanto em vertebrados quanto em invertebrados

    Artificial and Human Intelligence in Mental Health

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    While technology has dramatically changed medical practice, various aspects of mental health practice and diagnosis remain almost unchanged across decades. Here we argue that artificial intelligence with its capacity to learn and infer from data the workings of the human mind may rapidly change this scenario. However, this process will not happen without friction and will promote an explicit reflection of the overarching goals and foundational aspects of mental health. We suggest that the converse relation is also very likely to happen. The application of artificial intelligence to a field that relates to the foundations of what makes us human our volition, our thoughts, our pains and pleasures may shift artificial intelligence back to its earliest days, when it was mostly conceived of as a laboratory to explore the limits and possibilities of human intelligence.Fil: Sigman, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Slezak, Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Drucaroff, Lucas Javier. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sidarta, Ribeiro. No especifíca;Fil: Carrillo, Facundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; Argentin